Ice Cream as a Service

In the summer of Y2K I went to California on vacation. The bubble had already burst, but there were still a few ads to be laughed at. I spent a couple of days around Silicon Valley. The only thing that struck me about this otherwise uninteresting place were the prices in ‘Italian’ restaurants. 16 to 18 bucks for a ‘risotto-ooo’ made me wonder if a dotcom were really the best path to riches.

Fast-forward 10+ years. No dotcoms anymore, and start-ups are all about software. As they should have been in the first place. Software as a service. Today, I paid 4-Euros-50, which is close to 6 bucks, for an ice-cream in Barcelona. Buy ice-cream-making machines (servers), learn how to do 8 great flavors (software), find a suitable location (SEO?) and then it’s all about traffic and scaling.

Having just read this post, Ice Cream as a Service (ICaaS) sounds like a better plan to me.