Abend, Lisa, Why This Woman Is Google’s Worst Nightmare
Aleksandersen, Daniel, Here’s how Google Chrome’s new ad blocker works
Ambler, Tim and Ann Hollier, The Waste in Advertising Is the Part That Works
Anderson, Chris, The origins of “The Long Tail”
Andreessen, Marc, Why Software Is Eating the World
Angwin, Julia, Has Privacy Become a Luxury Good?
Arieff, Allison, What Tech Hasn’t Learned From Urban Planning
Badger, Emily, Google’s Founders Wanted to Shape a City. Toronto Is Their Chance
Badger, Emily, Tech Envisions the Ultimate Start-Up: An Entire City
Baker, Vicky, Not-for-profit Couchsurfing Becomes a Company
Balkan, Aral, Excuse Me, Your Unicorn Keeps Shitting In My Back Yard, Can He Please Not?
Balkan, Aral, We didn’t lose control – it was stolen
Barbrook, Richard, Pinocchio Theory
Barbrook, Richard and Andy Cameron, The Californian Ideology
Barlow, John Perry, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
Bavarel, Philippe, Paris perd des habitants : Airbnb pointé du doigt
Bilton, Nick, A Line Is Drawn in the Desert
Bogost, Ian, Gamification Is Bullshit
Bollier, David, Lessons from the Corporatization of Couchsurfing
Bosker, Bianca, The Binge Breaker
Bowles, Nellie, Early Facebook and Google Employees Form Coalition to Fight What They Built
Brand, Stewart, We Owe It All to the Hippies
Bratton, Benjamin, New Perspectives – What’s Wrong with TED Talks?
Brooks, Jon, Tech Insiders Call Out Facebook for Literally Manipulating Your Brain
Brown, Mick, Meet Chris Anderson, the Man Behind TED Talks
Bulajewski, Mike, The Cult of Sharing
Byrne, David, The Internet Will Suck All Creative Content Out of the World
Cagle, Susie, The Sharing Economy Was Always a Scam
Calcanis, Jason, I Ain’t Gonna Work On YouTube’s Farm No More
Chaffey, Dave, Average Display Advertising Clickthrough Rates
Chen, Michelle, Silicon Valley’s Wealth Gap
Cisco, The Zettabyte Era: Trends and Analysis
Coca, Nithin, The Rise and Fall of Couchsurfing
Confessore, Nicholas et al., The Follower Factory
Conniff, Richard, What the Luddites Really Fought Against
Cooper, Anderson, What Is “Brain Hacking”? Tech Insiders On Why You Should Care
Coppola, Gabrielle, and David Welch, The Car of the Future Will Sell Your Data
Cox, Ana Marie, Who Should We Fear More with Our Data: the Government or Companies?
Damiris, Niklas and Helga Wild, The Internet: A New Agora?
Davidow, Bill, Exploiting the Neuroscience of Internet Addiction
Davies, Jessica, Debunking Common Blockchain-saving-advertising Myths
Dempsey, Paul Stephen, Taxi Industry Regulation, Deregulation, and Reregulation: The Paradox of Market Failure
DiResta, Renee, There Are Bots. Look Around
Dixon, Chris, Why Decentralization Matters
Doctorow, Cory, RIP John Perry Barlow, 1947-2018
Duhigg, Charles, The Case Against Google
Egan, Timothy, Dystopia by the Bay
Esfandiari, Golnaz, The Twitter Devolution
Esguerra, Richard, Google CEO Eric Schmidt Dismisses the Importance of Privacy
Essers, Loek, Amsterdam Using Airbnb Listing Service to Identify Illegal Rentals
Fic, Audreyii, The Entirely Unnecessary Demise of Barnes & Noble
Fleming, Nic, Gamification: Is it game over?
Flichy, Patrice, Is the Internet an instrument of democracy?
Fowler, Martin, Datensparsamkeit
French, Jason, Sam Schechner and Matthias Verbergt, How Airbnb is Taking Over Paris
Fruhlinger, Josh, Why Are There So Damn Many Ubers?
Fuller, John, What is the Internet Tax Freedom Act?
Fussell, Sidney, The City of the Future Is a Data-Collection Machine
Gallagher, Sean, Larry Page Wants You to Stop Worrying and Let Him Fix the World
Galloway, Scott, Why Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google Need to Be Disrupted
Gillmor, Dan, Is the Internet Now Just One Big Human Experiment?
Golumbia, David, The Destructiveness of the Digital
Greenberg, Andy, It’s Been 20 Years Since This Man Declared Cyberspace Independence
Greenwald, Ted, Step Behind the Scenes of the Frantic, Madcap Birth of Wired
Griswold, Alison, Paris is blaming Airbnb for population declines in the heart of the city
Gurstein, Michael, Open Data: Empowering the Empowered or Effective Data Use for Everyone?
Haque, Umair, The Servitude Bubble
Harris, Tristan, How Better Tech Could Protect Us from Distraction
Harris, Tristan, How a Handful of Tech Companies Control Billions of Minds Every Day
Heath, Alex, Facebook and Google Completely Dominate the Digital Ad Industry
Helmore, Edward, How Ken Kesey’s LSD-fuelled bus trip created the psychedelic 60s
Hern, Alex, Never Get High on Your Own Supply – Why Social Media Bosses Don’t Use Social Media
Hill, Kashmir, Life Without the Tech Giants
Hill, Kashmir, Meet the Lawyer Taking On Uber and the Rest of the On-demand Economy
Hill, Kashmir and Surya Mattu, The House That Spied on Me
Hiltzik, Michael, Lyft’s IPO disclosure shows it’s not close to profitability and has no good way to get there
Hirsh, Michael, Silicon Valley Doesn’t Just Help the Surveillance State—It Built It
Hobert, Byrne, Peak California
Hogan, Emma, Turn On, Tune In, Drop by the Office
Huet, Ellen, Apps Let Users Hire House Cleaners, Handymen Without Talking
Humes, Edward, Online Shopping Was Supposed to Keep People Out of Traffic. It Only Made Things Worse
Imseng, Dominik, Ad Contrarian Bob Hoffman: “The effectiveness of online advertising is a delusion”
IndieBound, The True Cost of Amazon Revealed
Ip, Greg, The Antitrust Case Against Facebook, Google and Amazon
Jaffe, Sarah, Silicon Valley’s Gig Economy Is Not the Future of Work
Jarnow, Jesse, How an Army of Deadheads (and their LSD) Invented Silicon Valley
Jeffries, Adrianne, Bitcoin Is None of the Things It Was Supposed to Be
Jeffries, Stuart, How the Web Lost Its Way – And Its Founding Principles
Jenkins, Holman, Can Data Mining Stop the Killing?
Johnston, Katie, Avis will buy Zipcar for $500 million
Kapor, Mitch, Where Is the Digital Highway Really Heading?
Katz, Vanessa, Regulating the Sharing Economy
Kaufman, Hannah, Social Rules As Dictated By Social Media
Khan, Lina, Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox
Khan, Nora, Fred Turner: Silicon Valley Thinks Politics Doesn’t Exist
Kingsley, Patrick, Julian Assange Tells Students That the Web Is the Greatest Spying Machine Ever
Kopeć, Jarosław and Krzysztof Pacewicz, Gamification. Critical Approaches
Krugman, Paul, Sympathy for the Luddites
Le Monde, La stratégie d’Oslo pour réduire, voire éliminer, les voitures personnelles
Leonard, Andrew, The Sharing Economy Gets Greedy
Levy, Judith, J.K. Rowling and the Death of the Long Tail
Levy, Steven, Mourning John Perry Barlow, the Bard of the Internet
Light, Alexander, The Meaning of: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength
Lilla, Marc, The Truth About Our Libertarian Age
Linkiesta, A Milano è (car)sharing mania
Madrigal, Alexis, The Servant Economy
Manjoo, Farhad, Tackling the Internet’s Central Villain: The Advertising Business
Marantz, Andrew, Reddit and the Struggle to Detoxify the Internet
Mauro, Andrea Nelson, Gli #OpenData in Italia nel 2018: “peggio che da noi solo in Uganda”
McCambley, Joe, The First Ever Banner Ad: Why Did It Work So Well?
McCurry, Steve, National Geographic: The Last Roll of Kodachrome
McHugh, Bibiana, Pioneering Open Data Standards: The GTFS Story
McMillan, Jonathan, Peer-to-peer Lending Is Dead
McNamee, Roger, How Facebook and Google threaten public health – and democracy
Miller, Johnny, Roads to Nowhere: How Infrastructure Built on American Inequality
Mitchell, Stacy, The Truth about Amazon and Job Creation
Moore, Richard K., Cyberspace Inc and the Robber Baron Age
Moore, Suzanne, In the Digital Economy, We’ll Soon All Be Working for Free
Morozov, Evgeny, Why We Are Allowed to Hate Silicon Valley
Mounk, Yascha, America Is Not a Democracy
Mujezinovic, Damir, Democrats Criticize The Amazon HQ2 Bidding War
Mujezinovic, Damir, Uber Sets A Tip Limit, Without Informing Drivers
Mulligan, Mark, The Death of the Long Tail
Naughton, John, Edward Snowden’s Not the Story. The Fate of the Internet Is
Naughton, John, Meet Tech’s New Concierge Economy, Where Serfs Deliver Stuff to Rich Folk
O’Carroll, Eoin, Political Misquotes: The 10 Most Famous Things Never Actually Said: I invented the Internet
Oliver, Mark, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test: How The Author of “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” Spread LSD Across America
Olson, Parmy, The Quantified Other: Nest And Fitbit Chase A Lucrative Side Business
Ong, Thuy, Sean Parker on Facebook: ‘God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains’
O’Reilly, Tim, What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software
Oremus, Will, Silicon Valley Uber Alles
O’Sullivan, John, Manifest Destiny
Ovide, Shira, How Amazon’s Bottomless Appetite Became Corporate America’s Nightmare
PBS Newshour, A Former Google Employee on How Your Phone Is Designed to Control Your Life
Pendergrast, Kelly, Calling data “the new oil” takes its exploitation for granted
Pisarello, Gerardo, Ciutat Intel·ligent, Per a Què?
Pisarello, Gerardo, Les dades com a bé comú
Progress and Freedom Foundation, Cyberspace and the American Dream: A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age
Quittner, Joshua, The Merry Pranksters Go To Washington
Rajan, Amol, Data Is Not the New Oil
Raphel, Adrienne, Taskrabbit Redux
Runciman, David, Politics or Technology – Which Will Save the World?
Sadowski, Jathan, Hey, Ride-Sharing Services. Stop Greenwashing!
Said, Carolyn, S.F. Ballot Measure Would Severely Limit Short-term Rentals
Schmitt, Angie, Evidence From Boston That Uber Is Making Traffic Worse
Schneider, Todd, Analyzing 1.1 Billion NYC Taxi and Uber Trips, with a Vengeance
Schneiderman, Eric, Taming the Digital Wild West
Seminerio, Mario, Lavoro: il nuovo proletariato digitale
Sherwood-Jones, Brian, Destroying the City to Save the Robocar
Silberman, Steve, The Geek Syndrome
Silverman, Craig and Lawrence Alexander, How Teens In The Balkans Are Duping Trump Supporters With Fake News
Singer, Natasha, How Big Tech Is Going After Your Health Care
Slee, Tom, Airbnb Is Facing an Existential Expansion Problem
Somers, James, The Like Button Ruined the Internet
Sprenger, Polly, Sun On Privacy: Get Over It
Sterling, Bruce, Stop Saying ‘Smart Cities’
Stewart, Jack, Self-driving Cars Use Crazy Amounts of Power, and It’s Becoming a Problem
Stone, Brad, My Life as a TaskRabbit
Sutherland, Rory, Reducing Activities to Their Core Misses the Point
The Economist, The World’s Most Valuable Resource Is No Longer Oil, but Data
The Luddbrarian, Why the Luddites Matter
Thorp, Jer, Big Data Is Not the New Oil
Tolentino, Jia, The End of the Awl and the Vanishing of Freedom and Fun from the Internet
Tonnelier, Audrey, Impôt sur les sociétés : 4,6 milliards d’euros de recettes perdues
Trott, David, Everyone Else Is Doing It
Tseng, Francis, Monkeywrenching the Machine
Tucker, Patrick, Has Big Data Made Anonymity Impossible?
Tuomi, Ilkka, The Lives and Death of Moore’s Law
Turner, Fred, Don’t Be Evil. Fred Turner on Utopias, Frontiers, and Brogrammers
Vance, Ashlee, Merely Human? That’s So Yesterday
Vannini, Walter, DataKnightmare.eu
Walz, Steffen, and Sebastian Deterding, The Gameful World: Approaches, Issues, Applications
Warren, Elizabeth, Here’s How We Can Break Up Big Tech
Warzel, Charlie, He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He’s Worried About An Information Apocalypse
Wasserman, Steve, When Will the Justice Department Take On Amazon?
Williams, Alex, The Agony of Instagram
Wilson, Fred, Platform Monopolies
Wohlsen, Marcus, Why the Sun Is Setting On the Wild West of Ride-sharing
Wu, Tim, The Tyranny of Convenience
Zuboff, Shoshana, Big Other: Surveillance Capitalism and the Prospects of an Information Civilization
Zuboff, Shoshana, The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism
Zuckerman, Ethan, The Internet’s Original Sin